A short history of where and when I worked...based very loosely on Studs Terkel's great work on a book of the same name...
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Barbwire by Barbano
Some good stuff about Charlie Mapes and a little about the Money Tree casino. Yes, I knew him. Didn't like him.
Measuring Up
As the weather changed and became more spring-like, I began to plan for the pre-fabricated panels that were going to be placed on the new Money Tree casino. This meant that I had to climb all over the structural framework of the emerging structure, placing me in a working relationship with ‘ironworkers’, a trade group that I knew little of. I soon knew them all quite well.
A little bit of info about
So there I was, climbing up onto the steel structure and measuring for the panels to be built. And designing the structural attachments as I went. And after a week of measuring, by myself…
Monday, October 29, 2007
Springtime at the Comstock
As I said, the
But first I was going to be given a short lesson on panel building. Solari had secured the contract for the exterior panels on the new 24 story Circus Circus hotel and casino. These were similar to the panels that were being installed on the
The foreman (Phil) for the Circus Circus project was already busy building these panels at the Solari panel factory; an old and very large aircraft hanger from Stead Air Force Base. It had been dismantled and moved into
My assignment was to work at the panel plant and then take
Then, once the Money Tree Casino structure came ‘out of the ground’ I was to begin the building of panels for that project; my project. Fun times ahead!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The Comstock
Winter (1977) settled in and I was still driving to
Every once in awhile we would be sent over to the
And on another note… one day, as was standing by the man hoist on the ground, I was spotted by
When spring came, most of the casinos in town, plus some new ones, had big plans for expansion. The opening of the
Of course Solari wanted this expansion work and they set out to estimate and secure all of the work they could. The first one; the
This is the job that changed my career path. The job was being run by
I learned later that
Friday, October 12, 2007
After a few months of working on nothing but small jobs, there came a day when Art could find nothing for Carl and I to do, so he sent us over to the
After a few weeks in the showroom we were moved to the tower for awhile. I certainly knew my way around; after all, I had framed most of it while working for Oahu Interiors. So it was noted by the foreman and reported to
Of course I told him that I wasn’t interested in his job and much preferred working with

Thursday, October 11, 2007
A Day in Reno
Every once in awhile I will forget which blog I’m posting to and then I have to try and unscramble the results. I see that I have posted the one below this to the wrong blog. Should have gone on Projections. But I’m leaving it…
Anyway, back to my story…
I had just met
I grabbed my tools and followed
Solari’s office was only a few blocks from the
(As it turned out, working with
A little something about Solari; when I was still working in Los Angeles and working for Modern Drywall Systems, we had secured two out of town Broadway store projects. One was in