Saturday, April 01, 2006

Las Vegas - 60's Style

As I remember it, our second week in Las Vegas was a financial success. We began the week by putting some dollars aside, stuffing them into a drawer in the dresser. Not to be touched till Friday morning when we packed our dirty clothes for the trip home that afternoon.

The weeks went by and we soon found that we were being recognized in some of the casinos. And attitudes changed. We discovered that once casino employees found out that you were “regulars” and not tourists, they treated you very nicely. Smiles and greetings became commonplace.

Finally, after eight long weeks, we finished up our work. We had made money for the company, a lot of money! And we had a new goal; to do a complete Broadway store in just 6 weeks. We thought we could do it…

And to celebrate our completion, Marshall (our boss) came to Las Vegas and took us all out to dinner. I remember that we seemed to eat forever that night, as Marshall asked the chef to simply give us his “best”. No menu for us! And I saw the bill for that dinner…close to $125!

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