Friday, April 13, 2007

Now, back to the 70's

And back to the Baptist Home for the Aged.

And right across the street from the construction site was a Baptist church; where we held the weekly progress meetings. The superintendent explained that we were meeting in the church because, “Maybe you $#?#@?}&’s won’t lie to me here when I ask you when you will finished.” Actually, I don’t think anyone was brave enough to lie to him. This project was fast tracked and we were all making money because of it. Even the meetings lasted no more than 15 minutes and then we were told to get out and get back to work!

Another memory; one morning it was noted that the concrete trucks had to make two turns instead of one when backing in to the site. A car was parked (legally) in a space that made a second turn necessary for the big trucks. I was with the superintendent at the time he noticed it, up on the 10th floor. He used his radio to call the crane operator and a man on the ground. In a few minutes, the crane swung over and the trolley went out to a spot directly over the offending car. The hook was lowered and attached to a sling around the rear of the car. Signals were given and the car slowly moved away from its parked location and out into the street. Hook and sling were removed and the trucks began moving into the yard much faster. Yes, the owner of the car got a ticket for being improperly parked.

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