Thursday, September 20, 2007

Back to Work

Meanwhile, back at the MGM.

As I was saying earlier, I was supposed to be the foreman of the layout crew, but as it worked out, Frenchie didn’t want to go home to Hawai’i. Some problem with a warrant? They continued to pay me foremen’s wages and Frenchie was the boss. OK with me.

And as I also said, I was the only non-Hawai’ian on the crew. Haole. The crew spoke what I learned was called ‘pidgin’. An interesting blend of English, Polynesian and maybe some Tagalog from the Philippines. For me, it was sink or swim, I had to learn what they were saying and it proved to be quite easy. Too easy, in fact I was soon speaking it all of the time. This drew some complaints from those at home.

I also learned something about the Hawai’ian work ethic; which was minimal. Half of our crew would disappear around the time for our first break of the day and we wouldn’t see them again till the next morning. As the foreman in pay only, I wasn’t too concerned. It was Frenchie’s problem and he never seemed to notice their absence.

A little something about Frenchie; he was originally from Philadelphia and he was a French Canadian ‘gangsta’ to boot. It sounds odd now, but he was pretty much typical of drywallers in that day. If you hadn’t been in the ‘joint’ you were considered odd. So I was odd.

Even with just half a crew present and accounted for, we used lots of shortcuts and were soon cutting our allotted layout labor budget in half. Frenchie’s response to this was to slow down. He really didn’t want to get back to Hawai’i too soon.

I was soon frustrated and began to talk to the powers above and asked to be given something with more responsibility. This was soon given to me. I had a framing crew now and a goal of framing all of the walls on a floor within a week. I also had a crew of Hawaiians. OK, the work began…

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